

"I'm sorry.", you say. "I'll put the guitar back."
"No, that was a good riff," the security guard says. "Do you know some other Martians songs?"
"Some?" you say. "I know them all!"

This time, I want to write a review about "BACKSTAGE PASS", a book in the Atama-ii Books series.

This is a story about a concert. You and your friend Julie are going to the concert together of the Martians. The Martians are the most famous band in the world, and one of the member, named Hugo, was a hero for you.
When they get to the concert, they saw a backstage door and tried to enter...?

I chose the scene because I was excited the most when I was reading this scene.

There are some different happy end, not one, so I enjoyed the story,too!
But I surprised some of the ends because it was so different between happy and bad end.

I think that this book is easier book in the Atama-ii Books series.
Please try to read and if you have time, try to read all ends!

Thank you for reading. 

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