
MONEY to Burn

Mark watches his sister jump on to the horse. Minutes later, she is following Harry and Andy across the field.

     One day, four people robbed the money from a bank. But that money was old and dirty money. So people couldn't use them now and that money had to be burned. Robbers wanted to go to farther place, but they couldn't because of bad weather. So, they had to somewhere they can rest. They found a house.
     At that time, there were two children in the house. They watched TV and just got information about the robbers. So an older sister tried to let police know, however, she couldn't make a phone call because robbers were in the house.
     Then, a police helicopter came near the house. Police came here to look for someone who were injured due to bad weather. What do you think she will do next?
     I want you to focus on a point when you read this book. It is a bond between sister and brother. Especially, sister's behaviors are so brave! What do you do if you see the criminals? Can you do anything or you do nothing?

Thank you for reading.

Penguin Readers

1 件のコメント:

  1. I would nothing If I meet a dangerous person.
    I want to be brave like him!
