
The Caribbean File

Tajik stood up and walked round the hotel again. Munro looked at his watch. 11:00:00. Tajik came back to the front of the hotel. Munro looked at his watch again. It was 11:01:30. (P.24)

     The main character is Ian Munro, he is a agent. His works are like police, but he isn't. One day, his boss, Naylor, gave a job for him. It was to look for two terrorists. First, he went to a hotel where they was. At the hotel, Munro met a beautiful woman, named Salgado. In fact, she was an old girlfriend of one of the terrorists. Two terrorists and she was going to an airport, so Munro went there, too. At the airport, he saw a boy with three men. And then, the three and boy went to an island, and he followed them. Munro decided to help the boy there. Do you think Munro can do it?
     This is a level one book in the Cambridge English Readers series. Honestly, I don't like the ending, but I like mystery stories, so I was excited reading. Especially, my favorite scene is quotations. This scene is Munro tries to go into the hotel, and the discription of time made a strong impression for me!

     Thank you for reading.

The Caribbean File, Richard MacAndrew,
Cambridge English Readers

2 件のコメント:

  1. P.24
    p. 24

    Don't forget to write reviews of the books you're reading for literature circles.

  2. The main character is Ian Munro, he is a agent.
    The main character is Ian Munro; he is an agent.

    a hotel where they was
    the hotel where they were

    Two terrorists and she was
    Two terrorists and she were
