

     Your life or the whole world - what a choice!
You don't want to die, but you know this is the only way to stop the nanobot virus. You hit the self-destruct button.
     "SELF-DESTRUCT SYSTEM ACTIVATED," the computer says. "10... 9... 8..."
     You look up at the control room. Nick and Lisa are looking at you sadly.
     "Good bye, my friends," you say.

Last class, I read "BRAINSTORM", a book in the Atama-ii Books series. I want to write about it.
The main character of this story is you. You are a scientist. You make and use nanobots, which are very, very small robots. You and another scientist, Dr.Murphy, have an important operation. Nanobots are too small to see and if they got out in the world, it could be a problem.
So, you have to be careful, and can you finish this operation safely?

This scene is one end of this and I reached this first.
To stop the nanobot virus, you have to a choice, but it means you die. I felt sad by reading this, but thought that there's nothing he can do about it, too. Now, Japan has a high-technology, so it may happen like this.

I still feel scary.

Thank you for reading.

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